Red-crested Turaco

A Rothaubenturako

The Rothaubenturako ( Tauraco erythrolophus ), also called Rotschopfturako, is a species in the genus Helmturakos ( Tauraco ) and belongs to the family of Turaco ( Musophagidae ).

It inhabits forests and savannas in Angola, Congo and Zaire in Africa.


His red bonnet on the crown can be raised up and he has outer toes, which are movable forward and backward. The nostrils are round. There is no difference in size and in color between males and females. The ground color of the plumage is metallic green and blue, with dark red feathers. He is by his plumage is difficult in the treetops ausmachbar, only the loud cry betrays its presence. Its body length is about 40 centimeters.

Way of life

The Rothaubenturako usually lives in the canopy of the trees and rarely comes to the ground. He is a good pilot and climbs turned through the trees. Its diet consists among other things of fruits, berries, seeds, snails and insects.

During mating, he focused on his bonnet and spreads his feathers. He usually lives as a couple, rarely in a small family unit. In danger he stays motionless in his place and takes refuge at a favorable opportunity.


The nest consists of two white eggs, and is applied in the dense branches. Both parents incubate the eggs from birds for up to three weeks. The parent birds take turns also with feeding the young birds. After four weeks, the offspring has a full fletching and leaves the nest.
