Reed bed

Reed is a habitat type and plant society in shallow water and riparian area of waters. It consists of large breed, reed-like plants ( reed plants) such as reeds (Phragmites australis), cattails ( Typha spp.), Bur reed ( Sparganium spp.), Pipe - canary grass ( Phalaris arundinacea ) and water vapors ( Glyceria maxima); further from calamus ( Acorus calamus ), Swamp Iris (Iris pseudacorus ), flowering rush ( Butomus umbellatus ), plantain (Alisma sp. ) and from other species.

Dominance companies with reeds, cattails, bulrush pond, water vapors is called Great reeds. Plant communities with dominance of sedges and rushes plants ( rushes, sedges ) are, however, referred to in plant sociology mostly as Ried (small reed ). Colloquially, the term is used, however, in some regions of southern Germany synonymous with reeds. Typical shapes are large sedge and small sedge. Tall sedge reeds are phytosociological the reeds closer and be done with it in a common class Phragmitetea, while small harrows Riede form a separate class Scheuchzerio - Caricetea nigrae.

A distinction is made in still water - reeds ( Phragmition ), for example these are the typical reed beds of the lakes, and land reeds ( Phalaridion ).

Reed is living place of many species of birds; as nest here as the Blässralle (Fulica atra ) and the Common Moorhen ( Gallinula chloropus); in the stalks build various types of warblers and reed buntings their nests. The underwater zone is spawning and larval habitat of various fish and amphibian species as well as habitat for many invertebrates. Ecologically accepts reeds as natural " water treatment plant " an essential function in the pollution of a water body (self-cleaning ).

By increasing shore development and recreational use, but also eutrophication of habitat is in many places at high risk. Enhanced growth On the other hand the long term leads to siltation of a watercourse.

Large areas that are under protection, for example, the Lake Neusiedl National Park Lake Neusiedl -Seewinkel in Burgenland, Austria.

Wintry reeds in Vorarlberg

Reed in the summer

Cattail reeds
