
Renalase is first described by Jianchao Xu (2004), flavin adenine dinucleotide -dependent amine oxidase. The enzyme is released from the kidneys into the blood ( secreted ) and affect blood pressure and cardiac function. His catecholamine - depleting property is disputed, but not the cardiovascular effect.

Effect hypothesis

Renalase degrades catecholamines in vitro, most dopamine, followed by adrenaline and noradrenaline then. In humans, the expression of the gene in the kidney Renalase is highest. The Renalase gene but is also detectable in the heart, skeletal muscle and small intestine. In dialysis patients compared with healthy controls, the Renalase concentration in plasma is significantly reduced. In rats results in infusion of Renalase a reduced contractility of the heart, a decrease of heart rate and blood pressure, and prevent a compensatory increase in peripheral vascular resistance.

The post-translational modification of properties under blood Prerenalase to the enzyme is driven at a catecholamine excess, as well as the de novo synthesis.
