Resident (title)

The term Residentur referred to in the administrative history of the German colonies the responsibility of a resident, so a permanent representative of the colonial administration, the ruler of an African territory under foreign domination.

The Resident was not supposed to interfere with the proper administration of shops, but the traditional local rulers to stand by the system of indirect rule supervisory and advisory support to the side and to undertake the representation of German interests against the native population. The model corresponded to the British protectorates. In the British colonial empire, there was this type of residents for quite some time, as Germany built his empire.

Residencies existed in

  • German East Africa: Rwanda, Urundi ( Burundi = ) and Bukoba
  • German South-West Africa: Schuckmannsburg ( Caprivi Strip )
  • Cameroon: Adamawa (1913 divided into Garua and Ngaundere ) and German Tschadseeländer ( based in Kusseri, from 1913 in Mora ).
  • German Samoa