Richard Knötel

Richard Knötel ( born January 12, 1857 in Glogau, † April 26, 1914 in Berlin) was a German painter, lithographer and writer. He is considered one of the most important German historical painter.


Knötel was the son of the teacher, painter and writer Augustin Knötel. He received drawing lessons from his father, studied since 1880 at the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts and dealt in detail with the history of the military. He worked as an illustrator for magazines Illustrirte newspaper, home, over land and sea and as a draftsman for the "Berlin Calendar " and the "Society for the History of Berlin ". Knötel illustrated many military works and published the memoir The Prussian army from the earliest times to the present day (1883 ) and was a source material on the uniform customer in 18 volumes out. In 1888 he was responsible for the military picture book " The armies of Europe," which ad by Lt. Col. Vogt has been described. He was a founding member of the German Society for Military History eV

Along with the history painter Carl Röchling he also illustrated two children's books estimated.

  • Carl Röchling, Richard Knötel: Old Fritz in 50 pictures for young and old, 1895
  • Carl Röchling, Richard Knötel: The Queen Luise in 50 pictures for young and old, 1896

He returned in 1908 on behalf of the Cologne Chocolate producer Ludwig Stollwerck Stollwerck designs for collecting images, including for Stollwerck scrapbooks No. 10 and 14

Richard Knötel was buried at St. Matthias Cemetery in Berlin -Tempelhof. His son Herbert was also a painter and gained a reputation as a " Knötel, the Younger ."
