Rick Sternbach

Rick Sternbach ( born July 6, 1951 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, United States) is an American illustrator.

Star Trek

Sternbach is regarded as visual father of many alien worlds of Star Trek since he first time in 1979 in Star Trek: The film had cooperated. Sternbach like his colleague Andrew Probert turned to in their work matte painting to create futuristic backgrounds; also he and Probert made ​​to Miniaturbauten to represent starbase.

In addition, he served from 1993 as a Technical Consultant for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager.

Other works

In 1980, Sternbach Head of Visual Effects at the Cosmos, a strong 13 episodes documentary series. In 1981, he worked as a pioneer establishing the International Association of Astronomical Artists ( 1982). He was also responsible for the graphics on Steven Soderbergh Solaris from 2002.


For his work on Cosmos Rick Sternbach was in 1981 awarded the Emmy.
