Rip Girls

  • Camilla Belle: Sydney Miller
  • Dwier Brown: Ben Miller
  • Stacie Hess: Gia
  • Brian Stark: Kona
  • Jeanne Mori: Malia
  • Lauren Sinclair: Elizabeth Miller
  • Keone Young: Bo
  • Kanoa Chung Kai
  • Meleana White: Mele
  • Joy Magelssen: Lanea
  • Varoa Tiki Hawaiian grandmother
  • Rory Togo: Willie
  • Albert Belz: James
  • Jane Hall: Arlene

Surfer Girls is a Disney Channel movie from 2000 starring Camilla Belle in the lead role.


Sydney Miller is a 13 -year-old, who attended with her father and stepmother Hawaii, her deceased mother's home. She discovers her inner strength through surfing and other treasures of the island. She later finds out why her father flew with her to Hawaii. She has inherited a large amount of land that would pass without them owned by the state and would be sold to a hotel chain. This would thereby block the beaches for surfers. After Sydney has learned more about her mother, the past and the beauty of the island, they can no longer sell the property.


" Conventional family movie from the Disney studios by conventional patterns. "
