Roman Catholic Diocese of Palmares

The Diocese of Palmares (Latin: Dioecesis Palmopolitanus ) is a location in Brazil Roman Catholic diocese based in Palmares, Pernambuco state.


The Diocese of Palmares was posted on January 13, 1962 by Pope John XXIII. built with the Apostolic Constitution Ecclesia Peramplas of cessions of territory of the Archdiocese of Olinda e Recife and the bishopric Garanhuns. It was the Archdiocese of Olinda e Recife is a suffragan.

Bishops of Palmares

  • Acácio Rodrigues Alves, 1962-2000
  • Genival Saraiva de França, 2000-2014
  • Henrique Soares da Costa, since 2014