San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí

Federal State

San Luis Potosí is a city in north-central Mexico, with 1,085,000 inhabitants ( including suburbs ), and the state capital of the same name. It was founded on November 4, 1592nd

Geographical Location

Located at an altitude 1,858 m city is bordered to the east by the Sierra de Alvarez and in the west by the Sierra San Miguelito. The highest elevation, while mountain of San Luis Potosí is the location with 2,670 m in the southwest of Cerro el Potosí.


San Luis Potosí is one of the silver cities in Mexico, however, has always been economically important as the center of a livestock region. It was named after the French King Louis IX. , Called " Saint Louis " (hence San Luis ) and the silver city of Potosí in Bolivia today, because you just as much wealth as expected from the local mines. In recent decades, the city developed rapidly into an important location for the stainless steel and automotive industry in Mexico.

She has many colonial buildings, especially the cathedral façade is considered very worth seeing. During the French Intervention 1861-1867 it was the seat of the Republican government under Benito Juárez. Since 2001 it is under the number 1272 on the " Tentative List" of World Heritage Committee of UNESCO.

Archdiocese of San Luis Potosí

  • Archdiocese of San Luis Potosí


The importance of the city as Silver City has decreased in the course of history and is now equal to zero. However, San Luis Potosí experiencing an ever- increasing importance as an industrial center due to its central location in the great Mexico. So settle more and more international companies in the Zona Industrial. There are companies such as Thyssen Krupp, Daimler, Continental, EJOT ATF Fasteners de Mexico ( EJOT ) Dräxlmaier Group, Bizerba etc. represented. Main industries are the steel and automotive industries.

The Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ( ITESM ) has a campus, which ensures the training of leaders for the economy in the city.


Tourism plays no dominant role for the city as San Luis Potosí is not on the typical tourist routes such as Santiago de Querétaro, San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato. Nevertheless, the city has to offer just because of their history as a silver mining town and once richest city in Mexico a lot of attractions, including the historic city center.


The climate is pleasant all year round dry - warm. Rainfall is rare, and in the winter the temperature rarely falls below 5 ° C. The high altitude of the city contributes to these pleasant temperatures. In the summer, relatively constant temperatures recorded above 30 ° C, which, however, are quite bearable by the dry climate.


  • Anastasio Bustamante (1780-1853), three-time president of Mexico; after studying medicine as director of the hospital in San Luis Potosí
  • Lupe Vélez (actually María Guadalupe Villalobos Vélez de; 1908-1944 ), actress
  • Francisco Eppens Helguera (1913-1990), artist and painter of the current federal coat of arms
  • Mil Mascaras (aka Aaron Rodriguez, 1942 - ), Wrestling legend and actor
  • Alberto Del Rio (aka Alberto Rodriguez; 1977), wrestler
  • Location in San Luis Potosí
  • San Luis Potosi (city)