San Trovaso

San Trovaso is a church in Venice at the same Campo (Campo San Trovaso ) in the Dorsoduro district.

Consecrated the church is the two early Christian saints Gervase and Protasius whose name was drawn together in typical Venice way to Trovaso.


The predecessor of the church from the 11th century has been, rebuilt after being destroyed by fire in 1590 according to the plans that have been falsely attributed to Andrea Palladio again. The construction consists of a short nave with a spacious transept - both with a barrel vault - adjoining chapels and an equally spacious presbytery.

The church is characterized by two nearly identical facades, which addressed a Campo, the second to the same Rio San Trovaso. The lower floors are each divided by korinithische pilasters, volutes create the connection to the narrower upper floors, which are opened by large thermal bath window. Flat triangular pediment complete the facades. The representative distinguished by a shrine with pediment portals are accompanied on the course side by two arched windows, and on the canal side addition of two slightly deeper rectangular windows.

According to local tradition, a meeting of members of the feuding families Castellani and Nicoletti should be avoided at the church door by the two separate church entrances.

Interior decoration

In addition to a Madonna by Giovanni Bellini at the right nave side, the church contains several significant examples of Venetian painting of the 16th century. In a chapel on the right side of the presbytery a panel painting by the Venetian Michele Giambono, The Holy Chrysogonos depends on horseback. The paintings on the side walls of the presbytery are works from the Tintoretto 's workshop and provide the Adoration of the Magi and the referral of Joachim from the Temple dar. by Tintoretto himself comes the temptation of the Holy Abbot Antony in a side chapel of the presbytery, a foundation of Antonio Mille Donne, secretary of the Venetian Senate in the year 1577. Carriera from hand is the portrait of the Madonna in the sacristy of the church. In the transept there is an early highly dramatic representation of the Last Supper by Tintoretto.
