
Sansan is a riverside community Gers with 96 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2011) in the canton Also -Sud -Est - Seissan within the Gers department in the Région Midi -Pyrénées.


The site covers an area of ​​3.7 km ². The neighboring municipalities are Orbessan, Traversères, Ornézan and Durban. The largest city is nearby too, which is located 13 kilometers northwest of Sansan.


Fossil deposit Sansan

Sansan has become particularly by its fossil deposit, discovered in 1837 Édouard Armand Lartet the jaw of Pliopithecus antiquus from the Miocene known. This Fund was verified to have lived primates in Central Europe for the first time. A large proportion of in the subsequent period to days funded fossils of mastodons ( including Trilophodon ), rhinos, predators, birds ( including Colius palustris and Miocorvus larteti ), reptiles and molluscs also comes from the marl deposits of the Miocene. Lartet wrote in 1851 a book on the fossil vertebrate fauna of Sansan.
