Sedum ochroleucum

Ochre Yellow Stonecrop

The ocher yellow stonecrop (Sedum ochroleucum Chaix; Syn. Sedum anopetalum DC), also Pale yellow stonecrop ' or Pale Yellow Stonecrop called, is a species of the genus of sedum (Sedum ) in the family Crassulaceae ( Crassulaceae ).


The ocher yellow stonecrop is a perennial plant that reaches the stature heights of 10 to 30 cm. The inflorescences not nod before the blossoming of flowers and have not fully developed recurved branches. The sepals are glandular. The crown is whitish- colored to pale yellow. She stands erect, the petals are about 1.5 times as long as the sepals.

The flowering period extends from June to July.

The species has 2n = 34 chromosome number


The species occurs from the western Southern Europe to the temperate warm Western Europe ( France). For Germany only a few occurrences in Thuringia are known. It grows in limestone rock - and - gravel corridors and vineyard walls to dry, usually calcareous, nutrient-poor stone floors. The first definite evidence of this kind in Germany dates back to 1882.


The ocher yellow stonecrop is rarely used as a ground cover ornamental plant for rock gardens.

Pictures of Sedum ochroleucum
