Seekopf (Seebach)


The head of the lake above Seebach ( Baden) is a summit in the main ridge of the northern Black Forest between the upper Rhine valley and the Murg Valley, on the border between the Ortenaukreis and the district of Freudenstadt. Its altitude is 1054.2 m above sea level. NHN. On its western flank the Black Forest Road runs B 500, below the Ostabhangs located in a col of Wildsee. Over the hill of the western route, which leads to about 1.5 km south-west to Hearthstone runs.

On the top level is the grave of Julius Euting, a renowned orientalist and co-founder of Vosges clubs.


Only eleven miles to the north, also in the northern Black Forest, is another mountain of the same name, the head of the lake in Forbach - Herrenwies in the district of Rastatt.
