Siege of Groenlo (1597)

The Siege of Groenlo by Dutch troops under the command of Prince Maurice of Orange was held from 11 to September 28, 1597 during the Eighty Years War and ended with the surrender and the withdrawal of the Spanish garrison. The liberation of the city Groenlo was a part of Moritz ' campaign of 1597th


After the defection of Governor George of Lalang in 1580 in the Catholic camp Groenlo fell into Spanish hands and acted since then as a garrison town.

Maurice of Orange besieged in 1595 the heavily fortified city Groenlo and tried to capture it. Thereupon, the Spanish commander Cristóbal de Mondragón made ​​with his army from Antwerp on the way here. To avoid a bloody battle, Moritz withdrew its troops from Groenlo back.

On August 1, 1597 Moritz left with 7000 infantry and 1200 cavalry, The Hague, to take his offensive against the Spaniard in attack. After the successful siege of Rheinberg on August 20 and September 3, Moritz von Moers moved further north. On September 8, he crossed the Rhine at Orsoy and on the evening of September 11, 1597, he reached Groenlo.


Maurice of Orange left the city on 13 September attack from the south and east. When the fortified positions in the south to about 335 m and in the east to about 175 m to the city were advanced, both were backed by hills and interconnected. In the north and west hills were created. The positions of the besiegers were connected by trenches. On the 17th the besiegers reached the east edge of the moat. In the south, this happened a day later. To cover the grave transfer guns were placed in position. Also in other parts of artillery was ascended. Only when the besiegers had already started with the construction of galleries to the crossing of the ditch, the besieged began to fight back. The attacking troops were off with their artillery, the guns of the crew soon. The town was shelled with mortars. This glowing balls were used and therefore set about 60 houses on fire. On September 25, a grave crossing was completed and miners began their work. On 27 September saw the crew. Then the troops moving by Bredevoort.


Groenlo was held by the Dutch up to the siege of 1606 by Ambrose Spinola.

Pictures of Siege of Groenlo (1597)
