Silver monkey

The silver monkey ( Cercopithecus doggetti ) is a primate of the species of vervet monkeys ( Cercopithecus ) within the family Cercopithecidae ( Cercopithecidae ). Only since 2001, it is considered as a separate species, before it was merged with the Blue Monkey to one species.

It resembles the Blue Monkey, but differs by the silver-gray coat on his back. The rest of your fur is usually colored blue-gray. Their range extends from the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo Uganda and Burundi to the south in the north-western Tanzania.

About her life one hardly knows anything, probably it agrees in most cases with the other monkeys species. Like these, they should be a diurnal and arboreal and live in harem groups, which are composed of one male, several females and the corresponding offspring. Their diet consists mainly of fruits, leaves and occasionally small animals such as insects.

Even on the level of risk is not known, the IUCN does not list this population.
