Sistema Ox Bel Ha

The Sistema Ox Bel Ha ( Spanish, Mayathan: Three - water path system ) is an underground river system in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo ( Yucatan Peninsula ) southwest of Tulum, with the southern parts are in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve. It is measured with 256.7 km (as of August 2013) to the world's second longest known underwater cave system and to the fourth longest overall system. It is connected by 140 cenotes with the surface. The average depth is 16 m (maximum 34.7 m). The halocline is located approximately 13 meters depth; three of the six drains to the Caribbean coast are dived.

Befahrung history

After the discovery in 1996 ( ⊙ 20.160143-87.4880820 ) ( January 1998-February 2000 ) were replaced over 70 km of measured and thus the at that time with 61 km Nohoch Nah Chich leading system in the first exploration phase. The 25 km of 2011 was long connected Sistema Ox Bel Ha Naranjal with.

Further research was in contrast to the more well-known and further north Sac Actun systems and Dos Ojos first promoted using satellite imagery and GPS localization. This could be found quickly new access points. Only the use of modern techniques such as dip scooters and rebreathers, enabled the development of some passages, such as the 5.5 kilometers from the Cenote Yaxchen to 700 m after the cenote Ma'Kai.
