
The term Socinianism ( Socianismus, Sozzianismus ) denotes an anti-Trinitarian movement that spread in the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe and after their most important representatives, the Italian anti-Trinitarians Lelio Sozzini and his nephew Fausto Sozzini ( 1539-1604 ), was named.

In Poland, the Reformation was mainly by Italian Reformers, including Pietro Paolo Vergerio and Francesco Lismanini spread. Since the Reformation in Poland - Lithuania was characterized during the reign of Sigismund II Augustus by religious tolerance, could elsewhere fought as heresy sect a foothold here. As Lelio Sozzini 1551 first came to Poland, he also met with Lismanini who wanted to promote all theological concerns away the unity of all forces Reformation in Poland.

The center of Socinianism was the Polish city Raków, where the so-called Polish brothers who in 1564 seceded from the Reformed Church in Poland as Ecclesia minor, according to the model of Pinczów einrichteten own Gelehrtenschule. Overall, the Polish anti-Trinitarians, mainly recruited from humanistic circles, great value placed on education. Even before the founding of the school had Rakower in Lubartów a sozinianische Gelehrtenschule exists, in addition, there were still a number of smaller schools. Fausto Sozzini, who came to Poland until 1579, was not the founder of Socinianism, he was not even the Polish brothers, but they decisively influenced by his writings, particularly the 1605 published Rakower Catechism, which also except the dogmas already mentioned above ecclesial soteriology rejected.

In Raków had the German Socinians John Crellius and Martin Ruarus. Ruarus had connection with Hugo Grotius in Paris, who shared especially the idea of ​​tolerance of the Socinians. From Raków the Socinianism spread all over Poland and Lithuania, and finally to Germany, the Netherlands ( see also Lammisten ) and England ( see also Unitarians ) and from there to North America.

Among the German Socinians excelled Ernst Soner (1572-1612), who influenced the students especially through his work as a professor at the University of Altdorf, which in turn were instrumental in the spread sozinianischer thought in Germany. Philosophical and ideological Soner was in his assumption of the eternity of matter, coupled with the assertion of a first external impulse by which they would have received movement, in deistic direction.

The spread Socinian idea good in many European countries was encouraged by the early 17th century in the wake of the rise of the Catholic Counter-Reformation in Poland onset of persecution and expulsion of Socinians. Raków was destroyed in 1638 by the Counter-Reformation. 1659 the Socinians were expelled. Some escaped the deportation by went over to Protestantism pro forma. After a colloquy with the Jesuits and the last left Poland.


In England there were particularly John Biddle (1615-1662), Isaac Newton and John Locke, Voltaire in France, which dealt with their teachings, which won this influence on the early period of the Enlightenment. The Socinian ideas to the 18th century continue to live (see Arianism ) In the Unitarian Church of Transylvania, in the Unitarian churches of England and the United States. In the 19th century developed rationalistic tendencies among the Unitarians, and most rejected the virgin birth, miracles, and the inspiration of the Bible.

  • Vol.I - II Fausto Sozzini, Fausti Socini opera omnia inc Tractatus de justificatione etc. (1668 )
  • Vol.III -V: Johann Crell, Joannis Crellii opera omnia ( 1665)
  • Vol.VI Jonasz Szlichtyng, jonae Slichtingii ... Commentaria posthuma in plerosque Novi Testamenti libros ... hactenus inedita, inc de magistratu, bello, et privata defensive sione ... didactica, et polemica etc. (1668 )
  • Vol.VII VIII: Johann Ludwig von Wolzogen, locust Ludovici Wolzogenii ... opera omnia, exegetica, didactica, et polemica, etc. ( 1668)
  • Vol.IX. Samuel Przypkowski, cogitationes sacrae ad initium Gospel Matthaei et omnes Epistolas apostolicas. (1692 ) ed Philip van Limborch and Benedykt Wiszowaty.


