Soliman, Tunisia

Soliman or Slimane (Arabic سليمان ) is a Tunisian town in the southwest of Cap Bon. Soliman is inhabited by about 30,000 people and is located about 30 kilometers southeast of the capital Tunis. The town belongs to the province Nabeul and is capital of the delegation Soliman. Five kilometers northwest of the center of the city is located on the Gulf of Tunis, is a sandy beach with holiday plants.

In the historical center there are two mosques, the malekitische Grand Mosque and hanefitische Hanafia mosque.

Geography and climate

The area around the village is fertile lowlands. On the western outskirts of the village a small river running north. North of town is a lake at the end of the sea. The area around Soliman is used for agriculture. Orange and olive plantations dominate the landscape image Soliman.

The mean annual temperature is 18 ° C and the annual rainfall reaches an average of 79 rainy days a value between 500 and 600 mm. The climate is moderated by the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea.


Its importance was Soliman beginning of the 17th century through the settlement with a colony of Muslim ( Moriscos, zwangskatholisierte Maurennachkömmlinge ) and Jewish refugees from Andalusia, which the city Soliman awarded its urban character ( mosques, schools, markets, cafes, small city center). The according to their origin Andalusian influenced style is apparent in the design and architecture of the city. Town houses, paved streets, arcades and mosques are due to this Andalusian culture influences. The by Philip III. since 1609 in Spain forced expulsion and deportation of these people led to increased settlement in northern Tunisia; so also in the Cap Bon peninsula. They shaped by their large number, a new cultural landscape. In this way, also crops spread from here; including agaves and prickly pears and other vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, corn and beans, which were introduced by the Spaniards and Portuguese recently from America to Europe.


Soliman was founded between the years 1609 and 1610 by several Andalusian families. The following families are historically known as the founder of the city Soliman:

  • Ben Esmail
  • Ben Jha
  • Beshkouel
  • El Banuil
  • El Castilliano
  • El Lungo
  • El Rio Chico
  • Libirsou
  • Mador
  • Sehabou
  • Rayah