Spanish Town


Spanish Town is a city in southeastern Jamaica. It is located in Middlesex County and is the capital of the Parish of Saint Catherine. 2010, the population was 162 359 people. The former capital of Jamaica is about 15 kilometers west of the present capital of Kingston located.


The city was founded as a Spanish settlement in 1534 by Francisco de Garay as Villa de la Vega. In 1535 it was renamed in Santiago de la Vega and the capital city of Jamaica. In 1655 the city was conquered by English soldiers and renamed Spanish Town. In 1872 it was replaced as the capital of Jamaica from Kingston. The particularly notable buildings from the colonial period include the Old House of Assembly, the former residence of the Governor ( King's House, built from 1759 to 1764 ) and the oldest Anglican church in Jamaica Saint Catherine 's Cathedral from 1714.


The environs of the city is dominated by agriculture and mainly produces sugarcane, citrus, coffee, bananas and cocoa. These are processed in Spanish Town on rum, sugar and fruit preserves, there is also a ceramic and textile industries.


Personalities born in Spanish Town:

  • The pirate Calico Jack Rackham was made ​​here on November 16, 1720 in court, found guilty and hanged the following day.