St. Mary Church, Isfahan

The St. Mary's Church is a historic Armenian Apostolic Church in the Iranian city of Isfahan.


In the 17th century the Armenians had in Julfa district only a small church called Hakup Church. The Hakup Church was the oldest church in Julfa district. Over time, and by the increase of the Armenian population in Isfahan, the church had for the people who came to church to worship no adequate seating. The church had no decorations. Chadsche Avdik been a great silk merchant in the era of Abbas I.. One day he was unable to attend the religious ceremony because the church was full and there was no place for him. Therefore, he decided to expand the church. He decorated the church with lights, gold and silver chandeliers, precious canvases and paintings. He built the church on his own account and named it the St. Mary's Church. Chadsche Avdik was bury after his death in the church.

Two large paintings are the works of the Venetian artist, were installed in the church. The paintings were bought by an Armenian merchant in Europe and given to the Church.

