Sterling E. Lanier

Sterling Edmund Lanier ( born December 18, 1927 New York City; † 28 June 2007 in Sarasota, Florida ) was an American author and publisher of science fiction and fantasy literature.

Life and work

After studying archeology and anthropology, he worked at the publisher Chilton Publishing Company, in which he brought out in 1965 among other Frank Herbert's Dune. In the 1950s he made a stir among JRR Tolkien, who admired the miniature figures that Lanier had modeled the characters of The Lord of the Rings.

As the author wrote Lanier both novels and short stories, one of which (A father 's tale ) 1975 was nominated for the World Fantasy Award. Among his better-known works include the stories of Brigadier Ffellowes and the two parts of Hieros travel.

Sterling E. Lanier died on 28 June 2007 at the age of 79 years in Sarasota, in the state of Florida.

Works (selection)
