Stromness Bay

Stromness Bay is the name of a bay that is 4.8 km wide and whose entrance is on the north coast of South Georgia between Cape Saunders and the bosom Point. The first sighting was probably in 1775 by James Cook instead; it was named in 1912, probably by Norwegian whalers who use their ports.

During the Second World War, a gun emplacement was established to protect access to Leith Harbour at the entrance to Stromness Bay from the Royal Navy. The gun was manned by Norwegian whalers, which had been formed for this purpose.

The three whaling stations Husvik, Grytviken and Leith Harbour were connected by an uneven path on the shore of the bay. During the Walfangära it was used by whalers from Grytviken and Husvik to reach the cinema of Leith Harbour, this was the only one on the island.

In the Stromness Bay the uninhabited island of Iceland is Grass.
