
Constructio ad sensum (Latin for " construction on the sense to go " even constructio kata synesin, Synesis or Synese ) is the name for a syntactic construction that violates formally against the rules of grammatical agreement, but mutatis mutandis correctly.


The Constructio ad sensum occurs, inter alia, when the grammatical gender of a word ( eg, " the girl ", " woman" ) is different from the natural gender of the so called object ( or person ), or if the number of pronouns and verb (usually plural) from that of the noun to which they refer (usually a collective noun in the singular), differ. She comes so often before - even at prestigious writers - that it is rather seen more as a stylistic device as an error.


  • " He loved the girl and wanted to marry her. " (Formal would be correct: "... and wanted to marry it. ");
  • "The whole bunch of rushed up to him.. They threw him in hot tar and then sprung him "( Formal would be correct: " He threw it ... ")
  • ". More than a third of employees stopped work " (Formal would be correct: " put ...")