Tancred of Hauteville

Tancred of Hauteville was Norman Valvassor and adventurers. He lives in the 11th century and is the progenitor of the dynasty Hauteville, who also belong to the first kings of Sicily.


Tancred was a lower nobleman, the near Coutances had a small rule on the Cotentin Peninsula. There is no guarantee about which of three villages named Hauteville it was there, but it is believed it was Hauteville- la- Guichard been.

Tancred became the father of twelve sons with two women. 1035 he transferred his ownership the fourth son Gaufred and pointed to the empty outgoing descendants, to conquer yours with force or cunning. So it was that at least eight of Tancred's sons were staying in the 11th century in southern Italy. First the eldest sons William and Drogo found in there, ranging from simple mercenaries to company commanders and finally to Count (albeit without much meaning) worked their way up. With time, were drawn by the success of two other Hautevilles to Puglia: To 1045 Humfred, then also the native heritage Gaufred and - later important - first with Frensendis son, Robert Guiscard. This was followed by Malgerius, Wilhelm and finally the youngest son of Tancred altavillschen, Roger. The so - altavillsche causative Norman dynasty lasted until Frederick II, whose mother Constance was a granddaughter Rogers.

  • Norman (Haute Ville)
  • Frenchman
  • Born in the 10th or 11th century
  • Died in the 11th century
  • Man