Tathagat Avatar Tulsi

Tathagat Avatar Tulsi ( born September 9, 1987 in Patna, Bihar ) is a former Indian prodigy and physicist.

The extremely gifted comes from a family of the lower middle class in poor Bihar in northern India.

His family had to seek the High Courts in Delhi and Patna to bring the school and university authorities to relent in its dramatically accelerated training.

He finished high school at the age of 9 (see Michael Kearney ), received his Bachelor of Science ( Graduate ) with 10 and his Master of Science ( Postgraduate ) with 12, which is a world record.

His first physical textbook had presented at the age of ten years of the Indians.

In 2003, he was still working on his doctoral thesis at the prestigious Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. His field of specialization is called English quantum computing / quantum information theory.

He says that he would have loved to win a Nobel Prize, but that would not be in the center of his thinking. In 2001 he was allowed ( with other Indians ) are already attending a meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau as a guest. He is socially interested and takes the view that scientific progress people most profitable.

He wants to quickly publish research papers in Nature or Physical Review, to apply for no more than someone who simply makes everything faster than others.
