
Téglás is a Hungarian city on a small area Hajdúhadház, located in Hajdú-Bihar county near the border with Romania.

Covering an area of ​​38.33 km ² live 6,606 inhabitants ( 2011).

Téglás located 20 km north of Debrecen; the border with Romania passes southeast 35 km away.


The twin town in Germany Affalterbach, the Czech Republic and in Poland it is Fulnek it is Ludwin ( powiat Leczyński ).

Bocskaikert | Fülöp | Hajdúhadház | Hajdúsámson | Nyírábrány | Nyíracsád | Nyíradony | Nyírmártonfalva | Téglás | Újléta | Vámospércs

  • Place in Hajdú-Bihar county