Tepui Tinamou

The Tepuitinamu ( Crypturellus ptaritepui ) is a poorly understood species of bird in the family of the Tinamou. It occurs in Venezuela.


The Tepuitinamu reached a size 28.5 to 30 centimeters. He sees the Grautinamu ( Crypturellus cinereus ) is similar, but is smaller and the cheeks and throat are striking rußgrau. The breast is rust- brown. The iris is off-white.

Distribution and habitat

The Tepuitinamu is common in the tepuis in Southeast Venezuelan Bolivar State. It inhabits dense cloud forests at altitudes 1350-1800 m.

Way of life

The Tepuitinamu is probably true location. Information about his life are not available.

Inventory and risk

The Tepuitinamu was long known only from six specimens that were collected at Ptari - tepui and the Sororopán - tepui in southeastern Bolivar in Venezuela. 1994, a new population on Auyan - tepui was on a humid northern Tepui about 50 km away from the original place, discovered. Vocalizations of unknown Tinamus on Chimantá - tepui were provisionally assigned to this species also. Information on the total population are not available. Birdlife International lists the Tepuitinamu as not at risk (least concern), fires, but agricultural use in the area of ​​distribution and hunting pressure could be potentially hazardous.
