The Lower Depths (1957 film)

  • Toshiro Mifune: Sutekichi, thief
  • Isuzu Yamada: Osugi, hostess
  • Ganjiro Nakamura: Rokubei, her husband
  • Kyoko Kagawa: Okayo, her sister
  • Minoru Chiaki: Tonosama, ex- samurai
  • Kamatari Fujiwara: actor
  • Bokuzen Hidari: Kahei, priest
  • Eijiro Tono: Tomekichi, the tinkers
  • Haruo Tanaka: Tatsu

The Lower Depths (Japaneseどん底, Donzoko, dt as: " bottom "). 's A drama of the 1957 Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa on the template of the same theater play by Maxim Gorky in 1902, the film was designed by the studio production Toho Company produced


The action location of the film is a night shelter, which can accommodate several failures in life ( a whore, a delinquent scholar, a run-down Samurai, an alcoholic actor, a thief and a craftsman with his terminally ill wife ) shelter. It is the story of destitute, exploited and decreased people who all yearn for a better life, but does not find in himself the strength to change their lives.

In the center of the story is a friendly Buddhist priest, who is also still in the night shelter is shelter. He tried to help the characters in their self-discovery and so to lead them to a better life. But because he fails to recognize the physical and psychological dependencies, it fails and only aimed at greater disaster.


" A faithful adaptation of Gorky 's play, in which even the priest finds its counterpart in the pilgrim Luka. The simultaneous use of multiple cameras Kurosawa succeeds despite physical limitation a virtuoso resolution of the drama in a visually and conceptually impressive film. "
