Thomas Fraser-Holmes

William Thomas Fraser - Holmes (born 9 October 1991 in Newcastle, New South Wales) is an Australian swimmer.


His international debut was at the Pan Pacific Swimming Championships 2010 in Irvine ( California). There he took the bronze medal as the starting swimmer with the 4x200 -meter freestyle relay and was during his individual start about 200 meters freestyle fourth. In the same year he started at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, where he again used as the starting swimmer, won gold with the 4x200 -meter freestyle relay. In single-start over the same distance, he won the bronze medal.

With the World Swimming Championships 2011 in Shanghai launched Thomas Fraser - Holmes on the 200 and 400 meters freestyle, 400 meters above the vineyards and in the 4x200 -meter freestyle relay. While he gained placements beyond the tenth rank in the single starts, the season was fifth.

In his first Olympic Games in London in 2012 he reached the final of the 200 meters freestyle and 400 meters individual medley and in the Australian 4x200 -meter freestyle relay. In the individual disciplines Fraser - Holmes was seventh, respectively, the squadron reached number five.

Thomas Fraser - Holmes is a multiple Australian champion. He swims to the time for the Miami Swim Club and coached at Denis Cotterell.
