Tineola bisselliella

Clothes moth ( Tineola bisselliella )

The clothes moth ( Tineola bisselliella ) is a butterfly (moth ) from the family of the Real moths ( Tineidae ) global distribution. The Wings of about six to nine millimeters moths are depending on the color of the food light yellow to dark brown and shiny, ciliated, have no subscription and are folded roof-like over the back. The wingspan is about 10 to 15 millimeters.


Moths ( SASU ) are mentioned in the Old Assyrian cuneiform texts. So had the merchant Ashur taklāku, after he was released from prison to find that the moths in his house had consumed 200 garments ( akālum ). He estimated the damage at five mines silver. According to the Kültepe texts infested moths longer packaged or stored clothing. The only antidote thorough ventilation is mentioned. Partially destroyed garments were cleaned, cut up and handed servants. From the mittelassyrischen Ashur are three letters (KAV 99, 109, KAV 195 KAV 203) of the Babu - aha - iddina, son of well known Ibašši - ili. They were in 1908 west of the Nabu Temple found. Babu - aha - iddina, a high court official, instructs his steward (see muhhi biti ), Ashur zuquppanni airing clothes from the royal estate, which are stored in sealed chests. The administrator Kidin - Gula, Ashur zuquppannia and two assistants, Ma ʾ ānaju and Ashur -Bela - Salim, be instructed to pass corrupted garments of craftsmen, so they patch it. The letters are from the Eponymat of Ittabšiden - Ashur and Šunuqardu.

Moths look for omens mention. Theophrastus knows the Median apple ( lemon) to ward off moths. The New Testament ( (Mt 6:19-20 EU); ( Lk 12,33 EU) ) is recommended, however, to collect treasures in heaven, do not eat the moth and rust.

Way of life

In nature the larvae live in nests of birds and mammals, where they feed on animal hair, as a pest of textile materials, the clothes moth but common in human dwellings around the world.

The clothes moth preferred living and storage rooms. The female lays 100 to 250 white eggs. These are laid singly on wool fabrics, feathers, furs and upholstered furniture. The eggs hatch after about two weeks, yellow-white caterpillars ( larvae of butterflies ). The development to the butterfly takes, depending on environmental conditions 60 days to several months. Under optimum conditions, four generations per year are possible.

The larvae of the clothes moth will need the in animal hair ( wool, furs, skins ) contained protein keratin. Pure vegetable and synthetic fabrics are eaten by the caterpillars, but not digested; especially mixed clothing containing wool is therefore at risk. Paper and wood are not affected by the clothes moth. At long bearing clothes a mass propagation can take place.

The flight time is from May to September.

Harmful effect

The larva caused the main damage to the fabrics and other products. By feeding the clothes moth holes develop and bald spots in textiles. Especially popular are dresses that have sweat or dirt, as these form a good food source. Can be infected in addition to clothing and carpets, for example, in particular in areas above ground cracks and furniture where the moth development is not disturbed by the way.


As a countermeasure, the regular vacuuming, especially on the floors and in the cracks of closets and boxes is recommended. However, it must be ensured that the moth nest may be located in the vacuum cleaner bag. Next you should look for the source and verify clothing regularly.

Classical chemical defense is realized by mothballs today rather moth paper. Natural moth repellent is achieved with cedar, stone pine or Niembaumholz and their essential oils. Similarly, lavender, placed in small cloth bag in the closet, repel moths. The textile industry uses synthetic insecticides as stomach poisons against moths one, these are the fabrics treated to equip them mothproofed.

The infestation can be eliminated ( for at least one week) of the infested textiles also by carefully placing it in almost boiling water or by storage in the freezer; Washing at high temperatures can lead to felting of the wool. In these procedures, however, should - be considered after several weeks if the fabric really have no infestation - also as with the other methods. Otherwise, the method must be repeated.

For biological control of clothes moths parasitic wasps can be used. The eggs of these beneficial insects are less than a millimeter in size and are deposited on the eggs of moths, where the larvae then hatch in a short time and eat them. There are biological moth control paper cards with colonies of Trichogramma evanescens ichneumon. Trichogramma wasps are egg parasites; that is, they look for the eggs laid the moths lay their own eggs in it, and instead of a moth larva hatches a useful wasp. This cycle repeats as long as moth eggs are present. Find the parasitic wasps no moth eggs, so they die. The beneficial insects are only about 0.3 to 0.4 mm in size and with the naked eye barely visible.

In order to effectively interrupt the developmental cycle of moths, three releases of parasitic wasps at intervals of three weeks are necessary. With each release is a card, each equipped with distributed about 3,000 parasitic wasps eggs per shelf near the textiles.

In stores attractant traps are available that are up to three months effectively. They attract the flying males by means of pheromones. They are suitable for the detection of a moth infestation and reduce the population; to capture an entire population, however, they are not designed. Also note that the pheromones attract and moths from the neighborhood.
