Traction current pylon

A traction current pylon is an electricity pylon on which a circuit is at least placed for traction current lines. In Germany (4 conductors ) are used as a rule traction power poles with a level arrangement of conductor cables for traction current lines with two systems. For traction current lines with four systems (8 conductors ) is often used the two- plane array ( each 4 conductors per level) with the exception of traction current lines for new and upgraded lines. For these lines, a three-level arrangement is used in which are located on the lowest cross beam and four on the top two traverses each two conductors. The three-level arrangement is also used for traction power poles with 6 circuits (12 conductor cables ).

There are also - in particular for the supply of AC-operated commuter trains - even overhead line masts with crossbars for traction power above the contact wire.

There are also overhead line masts, which carry both electric circuits for traction current, as well as for three-phase (hybrid mast ).

The highest railway power poles are part of the traction power transmission line crossing the Weser industrial port with a height of 111 meters.

Traction power line away from railway lines at Bartholomew on the Swabian Alb

Southern Pole of traction power transmission line crossing the Weser industrial port ( left foreground ). The right tower is part of the parallel three-phase line. Both masts are - as recognizable in the background towers on the north bank of the Weser - 111 meters high
