Trapdoor spider

Stasimopus robertsi

The authentics trapdoor spiders ( Ctenizidae ) are a family of bird -like spider spiders. Currently, 121 species are described in 9 genera worldwide.

Appearance and behavior

The authentics trapdoor spiders are the Brown trapdoor spiders very similar in appearance and behavior. However, you have no static hair ( Scopula ) on the tarsi, are usually built much darker and stronger and do not subscribe.

Like the Brown trapdoor spiders dig the authentics trapdoor spiders a burrow into the ground and seal it with a lid made of spider silk, camouflaged with soil or plant parts. However, the cover is usually much thicker in the members of this family. When hunting the animals leave their tube usually only so far that the rearmost leg remains in the tube, thus keeping the lid open.


The authentics trapdoor spiders do not occur in Central Europe. Ten species are, however, common in the Mediterranean.


The genera of the authentics trapdoor spiders are:
