Triteleia peduncularis

Long-stemmed Triteleie ( Triteleia peduncularis )

The Long-stemmed Triteleie ( Triteleia peduncularis ) is a species of the genus in the subfamily Triteleia Brodiaeoideae.


The Long-stemmed Triteleie is a perennial herbaceous plant, the plant height of 20 to 40 (80 ) reaches centimeters. This Geophyt forms onions as outlasting.

The flower stalk has a length of 2 to 10 ( rarely to 18) cm. The perianth is 15 to 28 millimeters long. The Perigonröhre size 7-11 mm. The ovary is bright yellow and as long as its stem.

The flowering period extends from June to July.


The Long-stemmed Triteleie comes in western North America in northwestern California in springtime wet grassland and ponds as well as in pine and hardwood deciduous forests at altitudes 0-800 meters before. This species is often found on serpentine.


The Long-stemmed Triteleie is rarely used as an ornamental plant in rock gardens, flower beds and steppe as a cut flower. It is in culture since about 1830. The hybrids Triteleia × tubergenii LW Lenz from Blue Triteleie ( Triteleia laxa ) and Long-stemmed Triteleie ( Triteleia peduncularis ) has lavender flowers.


  • Triteleia lactea ( Lindl. ) Lindl.
  • Brodiaea hyacinthina ( Lindl. ) Baker
  • Milla peduncularis ( Lindl. ) Baker


  • Corner Hardt J. Hunter, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd Müller K. (ed.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora of Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8.
  • Asparagus plants