United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

The English- United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, short UNFICYP, German peacekeeping force of the United Nations operation in Cyprus, was created on the basis of Resolution 186 of the UN Security Council on 4 March 1964 to the conflict on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus a resurgence of hostilities between the to prevent the Greek and Turkish communities, and restore law and order.

Since the intensification of the conflict in 1974, the UN peacekeeping force to monitor the ceasefire agreement of 16 August 1974, extended to a buffer zone ceasefire line.

The mandate of UNFICYP has since been repeatedly extended by the Security Council; carried out in recent years this regularly twice a year for each additional six months. Pursuant to Resolution 2135, the current mandate runs until 31 July 2014 (Updated: January 30, 2014).

As headquarters of the Ledra Palace Hotel in Nicosia serves; Moreover, there are major camps in Larnaca and Famagusta.


On 1 May 2010, the UN official Lisa Buttenheim (USA) took over the management of UNFICYP from its predecessor Taye - Brook Zerihoun (Ethiopia ) as Special Representative of the UN Secretary General. The military leadership has held 2011 Major General Chao Liu (China) since January 1.

The initial number of about 6,000 peacekeepers has now fallen sharply. On 31 January 2014, the mission still belonged to 1047 people, including 855 military personnel, 67 police officers and 149 civilian employees.

Losses: 181 people, including 171 military personnel, three police officers, five international and two local civilian officials. (As of January 2014)


The budget for the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 is 56,604,300 U.S. dollars. Funding problems since the beginning are the main reason for the continuing withdrawal of troops. Unlike other UN peacekeeping missions, which are financed by mandatory contributions from the regular UN budget, a financing scheme had been designed for the deployment of UN peacekeepers in Cyprus, which was based solely on voluntary contributions. Greece and Turkey paid one half of the costs incurred, the sending countries 70 percent in the second half. The remaining 30 percent should be covered by voluntary contributions from other UN member countries.

Buffer zone

When Cyprus was established in 1974 separated into a southern and a occupied by the Turkish army northern part, there was an intensification of the conflict between Greece and Turkey, as it also dealt with territorial claims in the eastern Mediterranean.

In the old town of Nicosia, the ceasefire line is only six feet wide, in rural areas provide, seven kilometers. Overall, the surface of the neutralized zone amounts to three percent of the total island area of Cyprus. The length of the cease-fire line is 180 km and ranges in the west of Kato Pyrgos on to Famagusta in the east. This Green Line may be changed on either side, although it was attempted repeatedly to perform small changes.

This so-called buffer zone is divided into three sectors. Sector 1 extends from Kato Pyrgos to Nicosia, sector 2 (not 3 ) is the capital city of Nicosia and sector 4 is called the area between Nicosia and Famagusta.

Observer Points

Along the ceasefire line called OPs ( Observer Points ) were established to facilitate the monitoring of the ceasefire agreement around the clock. In addition, more patrols are carried out on foot and by vehicles.

In the OPs between fixed OPs and OPTs ( for temporary ) are distinguished. The latter are approached only with patrols and manned for a certain period of time ( up to one hour ). On an operating group is ( according to Anglo-American standard six man), the accommodation there (partly container divided into so-called " Cabins ", partly in brick buildings), living spaces and a sentry box entertained. Most of OPs are slightly reinforced ( barbed wire, sandbag positions ) and lightly armed (maximum two MGs ).

The OPs and OPTs are numbered ( to OP- 146 at the eastern point of the buffer zone ) and are named by the team mostly because of their appearance and location.
