Venus of Dolní Věstonice

The Venus of Dolni Věstonie is a Venusfigurine of ceramic. Your age is estimated at 25000-29000 years and is thus associated with the Gravettian.


The figure was in 1925 during archaeological excavations found, which were carried out under the direction of Karel Absolon in the years 1924 to 1938 in Dolni Věstonie ( Unterwisternitz ), Moravia, in what is now Okres Břeclav (district Lundenburg ). Here, a camp of Stone Age mammoth hunters was excavated ( Location: 48 ° 53 ' 12 " N, 16 ° 39' 15" O48.88663116.654091190 ).

The figure is one of the oldest ceramic products, consisting of loam, which was made leaner to avoid shrinkage cracks with animal bone meal. It is 11.1 cm high, 4.3 cm wide and 2.7 cm thick. Its shape resembles that of other simultaneous figures; that is, projecting breasts and hips, no individual facial features, eyes are indicated by two oblique slits. She was found broken in two pieces. In the newly formed state of a fingerprint was left on the back of the figure, the intriguing, from a 11 - to 14 - year-old child comes and adolescents. The Venus is preserved in the Moravian Museum in Brno, but not issued for conservation reasons.

Comparable findings of the area are the Venus of Willendorf (limestone) in Lower Austria or the Venus of Moravany ( mammoth ivory ) in Slovakia. In addition to the Venus of Dolni Věstonie were found in the same old layers numerous small figures of baked loam on a slope of the Palava especially at about two kilometers north- find spot Pavlov. It is naturalistic, fully three-dimensional representations of Pleistocene animals: cave lion, woolly mammoth, wild horse, woolly rhinoceros, bear and wolverine. Burnt pieces of loam were found around two fireplaces, as hearths (ovens ) were interpreted by huts. Animal figurines of baked loam were also in 1930 by Josef Baier found at the site of Krems- Guard (Lower Austria ).


Venus of Dolni Věstonie ( back)

Venus of Dolni Věstonie ( Left Side)

Venus of Dolni Věstonie ( Right Side)
