Vermin Supreme

Vermin Love Supreme ( born June 1961 in Rockport, Massachusetts) is an American performance artist, anarchist and activist. He was candidate for the nomination for the Democrats in the presidential election in the United States, 2012.

He grew up with his two younger siblings in the vicinity of Boston. Supreme went to the Gloucester High School in Massachusetts. He is married and has no children.

1988 could be set up Supreme in elections to the mayor each in Baltimore, Detroit and Mercury (Nevada ). In 2004, Supreme took as a candidate in the primaries in Washington, DC in part. In 2008 he participated in the Republican primary. In New Hampshire, he reached in the Democratic primary in January 2012 with 833 votes in third place, with the winner, President Barack Obama received 49,080 votes.

Supreme is the screenplay of the 2009 published documentation Vote Jesus: The Chronicles of Ken Stevenson involved. In the documentation it is also involved in the representation of Ken Stevenson. In 2013 he presented the documentation Vote Jesus on the Liberty Forum of the Free State Project.

Supremes hometown is Baltimore.
