Verpa conica

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Foxglove Verpel ( packaging conica )

The thimble or bell - Verpel ( packaging conica ) is a species of fungus in the family Morchelverwandten.


The existing of pileus and stipe fruiting bodies ( apothecia ) of the thimble - Verpel be up to 12 inches high. The hat is 1-4 inches high and 2-3 inches wide, he is young and is ovoid thimble - up bell-shaped in age, he is grown only in the upper portion of the stem and rounded at the top. Its surface colored honey to reddish brown and smooth or only slightly wrinkled, the underside is tinged ochraceous. The hollow stem is smooth to slightly wavy, white to ochraceous and colored by dark scales weakly banded horizontally.


The Foxglove is a Verpel Bodensaprobiont, it grows in rivers and meandering streams, hedgerows, meadows and forest edges, she prefers limestone soils. The fruiting bodies appear in Central Europe from April to May The species is rare.



  • H. E. Laux: The Great Cosmos mushroom guide. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-440-08457-4
  • F. Breitenbach, J. Kränzlin: Fungi of Switzerland. Volume 1 Ascomycetes. Mykologia, Lucerne 1984, ISBN 3-85604-011-0.