Vice Fund

Vice Fund ( German vice - Fund ) is an American investment fund, which invests exclusively in alcohol, cigarettes, gambling and the defense industry. The name derives from the fact that the selected sectors for investments of people are partially considered " vicious ". Due to this special orientation of the fund received a particularly high, mostly critical media interest. The fund manages the end of March 2008, capital assets of about 180 million U.S. dollars. The Fund's performance was highlighted in the general coverage because the fund has outperformed the S & P 500 index more than once.


The fund in 2002 by Dan Ahrens in Texas was founded.

Fund composition

The ten companies with the highest invested capital of the Fund end of March 2014

Fund Performance

The Fund's performance year returns of the Fund:

Managed capital assets

Assets Under Management in U.S. dollars as of 31 March of the year.
