
Viriditas ( from the Latin viridis = green) is formed by Hildegard of Bingen Latin term for green power and describes a fundamental force that is inherent in all of nature, ie humans, animals, plants and minerals. The plug end in all fundamental force is the opinion of Hildegard the basis of a cure. As a modern expression of the designation clamping force has been proposed. The Viriditas is weakened by Hildegard by monotonous work, but can be in their view, refreshed by spending time outdoors, such as hiking. It is a basis of Hildegard medicine that is created but only in the 20th century.

Even Pope Gregory the Great used the term. From recent authors Kim Stanley Robinson uses this term in his science - fiction novels. Alternative medical companies are derived from occasionally named after it, and even pieces of music, for example, by Alfred Harth.
