West Ukrainian People's Republic

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Sachidno - Ukrajinska Narodna Respublika ( sunr, Західноукраїнська Народна Республіка ), Ukrainian and Western Ukrainian National Republic was one of the end of 1918 to May 1919 After the collapse of Austria -Hungary for a short time existing state on the territory of Eastern Galicia, northern Bukovina and Transcarpathia. Capital was in the first weeks of Lviv, in the subsequent five months Stanislav. The area had a total Ukrainian population majority, but there was a significant Polish and Jewish minority. In Lviv and several other major cities Polish-speaking populations were in the majority.

Supporting parties


After the collapse of k.u.k. Monarchy with the crown lands of Galicia and Bukovina, and the North Hungarian counties, the West Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed on November 1, 1918 in Lviv. The originally scheduled for November 3, 1918 proclamation had been brought forward after the Ukrainian activists had learned that was founded on 28 October Polish Liquidation Commission intended to move from Krakow to Lviv. As a Polish troops could gain the upper hand in Lviv on November 22, 1918, however, were the government and parliament seat over Tarnopol after Stanisławów ( Stanislav ), now Ivano- Frankivsk, misplaced. On January 3, 1919, the first parliamentary session was held in Stanisławów.

On January 22, 1919, the Parliament voted the union with which was founded on November 20, 1917 the Ukrainian People's Republic ( Narodna Respublika Ukrajinska ). However, this was subject to the condition that the area of the West Ukrainian People's Republic would get a large degree of autonomy status, since it is due to its historical development differed greatly from the central and eastern Ukrainian regions.

In May 1919, Poland was able to gain the upper hand in Stanisławów by a seizure of power by the Polish population. In July 1919 Poland occupied the last parts of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. On November 21, 1919, the High Council of the Paris Peace Conference Eastern Galicia said to for a period of 25 years, Poland.

On 25 April 1920, the Polish Army crossed the Galician eastern border and occupied on May 7, 1920 for six weeks Kiev. The fighting in the Ukraine had become part of the Polish-Soviet War. Also, Eastern Galicia was temporarily occupied by Soviet troops. In June 1920, part of the Red Army began under Alexander Yegorov, to lay siege to Lviv. In the Peace of Riga in 1921 but the area of the West Ukrainian People's Republic fell to Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia.
