Wii Sports

Wii Sports is a sports game for the Nintendo Wii game console and is included in the U.S. and Europe supplied with the console. The games within Wii Sports came originally from individual technology demos that were made to test the progress in the development of the Wii Remote. On the initiative of Shigeru Miyamoto, the individual games were summarized in Wii Sports.

Since its release in November 2006, according to data over 50 million copies of the game were sold by Nintendo until November 2009. This Wii Sports is the top selling video game.

  • 2.1 Wii Fitness


Included in the game are the following five sports games:

  • Tennis
  • Baseball
  • Bowling
  • Golf
  • Boxing

Player level

Since it is difficult to make specific difficulty levels for different sports, which are specially adapted to the player, there is the player 's level. This is a kind of score that indicates how well the player is. If it can handle a game well ( he needs to order the game does not win ), increases its level. Has he played badly, it sinks. At the beginning, each player has a level of 0 points. By the time the level increases, and according to the number of points also have the computer - controlled opponent an automatic player level that the player adapts so that it is always slightly higher. Thus, the difficulty of the game is cut to length exactly. At the same time shows the level of how well the player is. From a thousand points, a "Pro" ( Professional ) appears after the name in the respective sports.


As an alternative to the normal sports there is the training mode. Any of the five sports are trained to every sport, there are three training sessions. If one does particularly well, you get medals, but these are meaningless to the rest of the game. The following training games are:

  • 2 stroke timing
  • 3 Targets
  • 4 Home Runs
  • 5 sensitiveness
  • 6 non-stop beating
  • 7 Spares
  • 8 rebound performance
  • 9 Effet

Wii Fitness

The Wii Fitness Test is an additional mode is similar to the Wii game Wii Fit. Three random workouts are selected. Depending on how well you cut in the individual games, one has a corresponding Wii fitness age. The ideal age is twenty years the maximum of eighty years. Once a day only one player can join the Wii Fitness Test. Should a boxing workout are selected, the software asks whether the player can deal with the Nunchuk. If it is "no " is selected, instead of boxing training another training game is selected.


The controller is based on the movements of the respective sport. For example, is swung like a tennis racket in tennis the Wiimote controller. The game distinguishes between different types of shock such as on- and backhand, topspin and slice. In the other matches, the controller acts analogously as golf or baseball bat, as bowling ball or even in boxes together with the Nunchuk extension as fists.

There is also a set of extensions available for the Wiimote, which tennis racket, baseball bat and golf club covers made ​​of plastic. This should give a more realistic feel, but are not absolutely necessary for the operation of the game. Similarly, there are special boxing gloves as extension.


Since March 2009, newer versions are sold ( Wii Sports 1.1). In contrast to the older version many bugs have been fixed and added a new intro to the sport of baseball.


  • 2007 Game Developers Choice Award for Innovation and Game Design

More Games

More games from the Wii series are Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus, Wii Chess, Wii Music, Wii Sports Resort and Wii Party.
