William McDermott

William Dermott Molloy McDermott, also Monsignor Demetrio ( born May 10, 1930 in Dublin, † August 19, 2013 ) was Roman Catholic Bishop of Huancavelica.


William Dermott Molloy McDermott received on 5 June 1955 and was ordained priest in the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama operates. Fourteen years he was a pastor in Peru. He said the indigine Quechua and provided translations of the Bible, the Sacraments, the Missal and the Catechism.

Pope Paul VI. appointed him on 19 May 1976 for the Auxiliary Bishop of Huancavelica and Titular Bishop of Thucca in Mauretania. The Bishop of Abancay, Enrique Pelach y Feliu, donated to him on 4 July of the same year the episcopal ordination; Alcides Mendoza Castro were co-consecrators, Archbishop ad personam of the Peruvian Military Ordinariate, as well as Florencio Coronado Romani, Bishop of Huancavelica. He was very active against poverty and terrorism.

Pope John Paul II appointed him on 14 January 1982 Bishop of Huancavelica. In Huancavelica, in the Central Peruvian Andes at about 5,000 m above sea level, he founded the highest Catholic seminary. On June 18, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI. its age-related resignation.

Awards and honors

  • Medalla de Oro de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (Peru, 2006)