Zastava 750

FICA 750

The Zastava 750 ( Застава 750; nickname is still FICO ) was a compact car that was built from 1955 to 1985 by the Yugoslav (now Serbian ) car manufacturer Zastava. He was since 1965 a license replica of the Fiat 600, but was slightly longer than the original. The FICO usually had a 767 cc big petrol engine and was the smallest built by Zastava vehicle. Later, during the production of the Zastava 850 was introduced in 1980. He resembled the FICO 750, but the engine had a larger capacity. The FICO 850 is more likely to find than its little brother, the 750 FICO

The Zastava 750 is widely used in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia known by his already -mentioned nickname " Fico " ( Фићо ) rarely, " FICA " ( Фића ). " FICO " and " Fiček " he is known in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia - Hercegovina. The Macedonians call him " Fikjo " ( Фиќо ). The current Fiat 500 and Fiat similar models are used primarily in Serbia still called FICO. The nickname " Fico " comes from the main character of a comic book, published by the daily newspaper Borba during the first years of car production.
