Zinda Kaboré

Philippe Zinda Kaboré ( born November 18, 1920 in Koudougou, Upper Senegal and Niger, Burkina Faso today, † May 25, 1947 in Abidjan ( Cote d'Ivoire ) ) was a politician from the West African nation of Upper Volta, now Burkina Faso.

Zinda Kaboré, son of a local traditional village chiefs of the Mossi and received his training in Bingerville (Ivory Coast) and Dakar ( Senegal). On 10 November 1946 he was chosen along with Félix Houphouët- Boigny as one of three deputies to the colony of Côte d'Ivoire in the French Parliament. The greater part of this time defunct colony of Upper Volta belonged to the Ivory Coast. He died only a few months later, on 25 May 1947 in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) on the way to Paris at the age of only 27 years. There were rumors that emanated from poisoning, but doctors diagnosed a heart attack.

One of the most important schools of the country is named after him.
