
. mail is a generic top -level domain ( gTLD ). It was introduced on August 7, 2012 as the final ending of the second round of generic addresses. For the administrative operation of the UPU (Universal Postal Union, UPU ) is responsible with its headquarters in Bern.

Basis for the introduction of. Post was an agreement between UPU and ICANN, which was signed on 11 December 2009 by representatives of both organizations. Originally. Mail be started as early as 2007, the domain was, however, postponed several times due to differences between the UPU and ICANN.

The awarding. Mail domains is only possible to the members of the association, which is why the top-level domain has virtually no meaning.. The first post- domain was established in October 2012 - that is, about three years after the introduction - the Italian company Poste Italiane allocated.
