15 (number)

The fifteen (15) is a natural number between fourteen and sixteen. It is odd and Bell's number ( sequence A000110 in OEIS ).

In Italian and French, a time point after two weeks, not as in German than in a fortnight, but fra quindici giorni / dans quinze jours (ie, in 15 days ') expressed.

In Spanish, the number 15 ( quince ) is the last non- composite number, the first true composite number is 16 ( Dieciséis, or diez y seis rare ). Also, the Portuguese used until 16 composite numbers.

The Quindecimviri sacris faciundis (literally, Five Ten men to carry out the victims ') were one of the four highest Roman priestly colleges.

The quinceañera, the celebration of the fifteenth birthday of a girl has, in the Catholic tradition of Central America a special meaning as a transition into the marriageable age, ie to adulthood.
