1501 in art

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After his return from Rome in his hometown of Florence for health reasons Michelangelo Buonarroti received from Cardinal Francesco Piccolomini commissioned to decorate a tomb with 15 sculptures, which already started in the Cathedral of Siena in honor of the most famous member of the family, Pope Pius II, has been. Only four of these characters are ultimately executed, albeit only partially, by the hand of the master himself

In the same year Michelangelo receives from the Arte della Lana influential, the wool weavers' guild of Florence, the order for a colossal statue of David. He is a huge block of marble from Carrara available which supports the Domgarten since 1468. Before, already the sculptor Agostino di Duccio ( 1464 ) and Antonio Rossellino ( 1476 ) have left and abandoned the massive block in roughly hewn state. Michelangelo's work on the statue will last until 1504.


  • April 4: The now lost paintings Madonna with the spindle of Leonardo da Vinci is first mentioned in a letter.
  • The Italian painter Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, called Sodoma, comes to Siena, where he performs various frescoes and panel paintings.
  • To 1501: Leonardo da Vinci starts work on his painting Anne with Two Others.


