1611 Sanriku earthquake

Template: Infobox earthquake / maintenance / time missing template: Infobox earthquake / Maintenance / depth missing template: Infobox earthquake / Maintenance / injured missing template: Infobox earthquake / maintenance / property missing

The Keicho - Sanriku earthquake (Japanese庆 长 三 陆 地震, Keicho Sanriku jishin ) occurred on December 2, 1611 (traditional date: Keicho 10/16/28 ) east of Japan. Following a tsunami hit the Sanriku coast. About 5,000 people were killed. The maximum wave height of 25 m was achieved in Yamada and taro. The shaft reached up to 4 km inland.

Similarly devastating earthquake at the same place were the Jogan - Sanriku earthquake 869, the Meiji- Sanriku earthquake in 1896, the Showa Sanriku earthquake in 1933 and the Tōhoku earthquake in 2011.
