1946 Dominican Republic earthquake

The earthquake in the Dominican Republic from 1946 was an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 that struck the province of Samana in the Dominican Republic on August 4, 1946 at 17:51 UTC. There was an aftershock four days later on August 8 at 13:28 UTC with a magnitude of 7.6.

In the aftermath of the earthquake about 100 people died and 20,000 were left homeless. The death number was unusually low for an earthquake of this strength, since the quake took place in the afternoon local time on a holiday and almost all people were staying outside of buildings. The quake caused serious damage in the north of the country from Samana to Santiago and Puerto Plata. Sanda breeding protrusions were observed in Yaque del Norte and Yuna the River Valley.

The earthquake was strongly felt in parts of Haiti and Puerto Rico, and less strongly in the Virgin Islands and to the east of Cuba. The quake also caused a tsunami that Matanzas near Nagua (Julia Molina ) with a tidal wave of 2.5 to 4.5 meters hit on land and some miles inland came. A small tsunami was recorded in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Bermuda and in Daytona Beach, Florida and Atlantic City, New Jersey in the United States.
