
  • Pentane -2-one
  • Methylpropylketone

Volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with an acetone- like odor


0.81 g · cm -3

-78 ° C

102 ° C

16 hPa ( 20 ° C)

Moderately in water ( 43 g · l-1 at 20 ° C)

1.389 to 1.391


3730 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, rat, oral)

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2- pentanone, is a chemical compound from the group of ketones. It is in the form of a colorless liquid with acetone -like odor and is isomeric to 3-pentanone and methyl.

Production and representation

2- pentanone can be obtained eg from ethyl acetoacetate. Further, it is formed by oxidation of 2- pentanol.


The miscibility with water is limited. With increasing temperature, the solubility of 2 -pentanone in water decreases or increases the solubility of water in 2- pentanone.


2 -pentanone is employed as a solvent for organic synthesis, and odorant.


The vapors of 2- pentanone are 2.97 times heavier than air and, together with this explosive mixture (flash point 7 ° C, ignition temperature 445 ° C).
